Seventh Annual Meeting

George Mason University
Fairfax, VA

Friday and Saturday, April 3-4, 2009

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The Friday afternoon and Saturday morning sessions will be held in the Concert Hall, Grand Tier III (third floor).  The Saturday afternoon session will be held in the Performing Arts Building, A323.  The Friday night banquet and Saturday buffet lunch will be held in the Meese Conference Room, Mason Hall (just across from the Performing Arts Building).

Campus Map:




12:30-1:30:      Registration and Refreshments (Grand Tier III, Center for the Arts)

Session 1:  Lines, Layers, and Spaces
     Session Chair: Vincent Benitez, The Pennsylvania State University

1:30     Illuminating Micropolyphony: Biblical Allusions Communicated through Manipulations of Pitch Space and Text in Sandström’s Agnus Dei  
Winner of the Dorothy Payne Award for Best Student Paper
Jeff Yunek (Florida State University)

2:00     Order and Chaos in Stravinsky’s Concertino (1920) for String Quartet
Maureen Carr (The Pennsylvania State University)

2:30     György Ligeti’s Continuum: A Case Study in Positive and Negative Space Analysis
Patricia Burt (University of Maryland, College Park)

3:00-3:30         Break and Refreshments

Session 2:  Harmony and Form
Session Chair: Session Chair: Tomoko Deguchi, Winthrop University      

3:30     Analysis of Bulgarian Choral Obrabotki
Kalin S. Kirilov (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

4:00     “It’s Fun to Have Fun, But You Have to Know How”:  Harmonic Adventures in Rachmaninov’s Piano Preludes
Timothy Shaw (Philadelphia Biblical University)

4:30     The Incompetent Pianist: Humor in the First Movement of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. 31, No. 1
Hiu-Wah Au (Appalachian State University)

5:00-5:30         MTSMA Advisory Board Meeting (GAMUT)

5:00-5:45         Reception (Grand Tier II, Center for the Arts)

6:00-7:45         Banquet and Award Presentation (Meese Conference Room, Mason Hall)

8:00                 Virginia Opera: The Barber of Seville (Center for the Arts Concert Hall)


8:00-8:30         Executive Board Meeting (Grand Tier III, Center for the Arts)
8:30-9:00         Continental Breakfast (Grand Tier III, Center for the Arts)

Session 3:  Bridging Musical Worlds
Session Chair: Patricia Burt, University of Maryland, College Park                     

9:00     Bridging Musical Worlds: Charles Wuorinen’s Percussion Symphony and Guillaume Dufay’s  Vergine Bella
David J. Weisberg (William Paterson University)

9:30     Twentieth-Century Organum: Middleground Voice-leading in Britten's War Requiem
David Forrest (Texas Tech University)

10:00   Echoes of Petrushka in Shostakovich’s Second Piano Trio
Daniel Zimmerman (University of Maryland, College Park)

10:30-10:45     Break and Refreshments

Session 4:  Interdisciplinary Topics
        Session Chair: Carl Wiens, Nazareth College

10:45   Il Cembalo de’colori, e la Musica degli occhi: Newtonian Optics and Modal Polarity in Early-Eighteenth-Century Music 
Bella Brover-Lubovsky (Hebrew University / Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance)

11:15   Debussy and the Three Machines of the Proustian Narrative
Michael Klein (Temple University)

11:45   On the Edge of Modernism: Anthroposophy, Expressionism and Viktor Ullmann’s Der Sturz des Antichrist
Rachel Bergman (George Mason University)

12:15-1:30       Lunch (Meese Conference Room, Mason Hall)

1:30-2:00         Business Meeting

Session 5:  Twentieth-Century Theory and Analysis
        Session Chair: Sonia Vlahcevic, Virginia Commonwealth University

2:00     Form and Transformation in the “Nocturne” from Britten’s Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings
Michael Baker (University of Kentucky)

2:30     Interval Class Succession Graphs in Edison Denisov’s Sonata for Alto Saxophone
Zachary Cairns (Eastman School of Music)

3:00     Conflicting Lines, Cohesive Structures: Multiple-Directed Linearity in Witold Lutoslawski’s Third Symphony
James Ogburn (University of Pittsburgh)

3:30-3:45         Break and Refreshments

Session 6:  Melodic Foundations
        Session Chair: Steven Strunk, Catholic University

3:45     Ordered Step Motives in Jazz Composition
Keith Salley (Shenandoah University)

4:15     Finding Slonimsky in John Adams’s Recent Instrumental Works
Alexander Sanchez-Behar (Ashland University)






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